二哥的世界 The power of love

    each of us has our own frequency magic field

    the magic perfrmance of the magic field appeals to all the things

    and your feeling decides the positive or negative effect of the magic field

    feeling is creation

    all the bad feelings are rooted in the lack of love

    don't try to resist the negative etions

    just imagine it, feel it and aept it

    put the love into all the negative energy

    then harvest the positive energy of love

    to understand

    what do you want

    you must love that first

    with pure love and joy

    create the future

    live a good life


    although bd dictionary helped me a lot, this paragraph translation??alst ended my young life

    i love chinese language no alternative.

    the people who translates it into chinese fitly,award ten gold coins and a little red flower.

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